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From Wednesday 15th January, 2025 the CNC is on an urgent fundraising mission. Donate directly using the portal below or keep reading for more information..

1000 Steps to Sustainability

The Corryong Neighbourhood Centre (CNC) needs your help to keep delivering its wide range of services, programs and supports to the Upper Murray community…..


One time







Thank you for helping us make a difference!​​

If you, your family, your friends, your group, your organisation, your team or your business are able to donate $500 (or multiples of $500), please……

Option 1: donate directly to CNC

*These donations are not tax deductible, but are the most efficient and flexible for how they may be used by the CNC

1.    Use the portal above to donate online

2.    Make a deposit to our bank account 803-070 100096205 

3.    Come in to the CNC

Option 2: donate through our Community Foundation (UMIF)’s FRRR donation account at 

**These donations are tax deductible, but incur a 2.5% fee by FRRR, have to be used directly for charitable purposes and are delayed by an application process.


Smaller donations are also gratefully accepted........

You can also support the CNC by:

  • Sharing our plight and request for donations with anyone and everyone you think may interested or able to help

  • Frequenting the Upper Murray Community Bakery, which is our primary source of income

  • Understanding that many practical services provided in the CNC office will now incur a fee or a fee increase

  • Having an active role in the future of the CNC – become a member, serve on the new Community Advisory Committee, work towards joining the Committee

We have never fundraised directly or locally on any scale before and we do so with great reluctance


But our situation is dire and our timeframe to avoid closures is short.  So, we are reaching out just this once to everyone who has been supported by our services in the past…….


This is most definitely a bail out.  But it is not good money after bad. Our circumstances since the Black Summer bushfires have been difficult, but when the frenzy of the last few years settled down, we modified our practices, identified and improved problem areas and sourced short term alternative funding.  With these changes, we were hoping to start a long, slow recovery process with the beginning of 2025.  But recent circumstances have made that impossible and we now realise that we need to do something momentous and fast, so we can keep our doors open, continue to build on the work done over the long history of the organisation and get back to prioritising the delivery of vital programs and services to our remote, rural community .

What will your donation provide for the Upper Murray Community?

All funds raised will be used to:

  • Fund the Youth Program through 2025 and beyond

  • Fund our core services until the issue with the State Govt can be resolved


Please contact the CNC office on 0428449248 or if you have any questions or would like more information.



What has happened? How did we get here?

Since its establishment in 2012 with the re-amalgamation of the Corryong Neighbourhood House and the Corryong Community Education Centre, the CNC has been intent on providing services and opportunities to meet identified needs; providing opportunities for employment and training and driving co-operation, progress and innovation throughout the Upper Murray community.  While always moving forward and largely successfully, this has involved taking on risks and debt and experiencing set backs.  As a result, the CNC has been in a very precarious financial position since the Black Summer fires rocked everyone’s lives and businesses in 2020.


With careful management, additional funds and support from many sources, we have still managed to strengthen our capacity to meet ever increasing community demand for our services;  improve and build our vital Youth Program and keep our social enterprises open and employing for 5 years.  But this has come at a heavy financial cost.  We have been balancing debt costs and repayments;  negative net assets; increasing payroll and operational costs; 3 consecutive years of bakery loss and a resulting goodwill devaluation.


One of the key reasons the Bakery was established as a social enterprise by the CNC 10 years ago, was to provide financial support for CNC community and youth operations which had previously been restricted and underfunded to the tune of around $100k pa.  Without bakery profits, stringent measures were taken to eliminate the financial dependence on the bakery during these difficult times.  Where additional funding was not available or sufficient, operating hours and staff hours were reduced (payroll is by far our biggest expense, at 60% of our total budget); broader community development work was curtailed and fees were introduced to cover auspice work and delivery of additional programs and projects.


We also sought external expertise and advice and acted on that and our own learnings to make ongoing improvements in the bakery operations to improve sales and productivity and reduce costs.


Although we have managed to have our non bakery activities break even in 2023/24 and have passed  annual audits without being declared insolvent - largely by demonstrated an ongoing capacity to “trade out of it” - we have slipped gradually backwards, until we found ourselves at the end the 2024 financial year with current liabilities of $450k with little opportunity to reduce them.


What’s the Plan?

In addition to ongoing financial and strategic planning, monitoring and reporting, which we already do in conjunction with our primary stakeholders, our plan for recovery and sustainability is:

  1. Return Bakery to profit

  2. Fundraising

  3. Reduce Costs

  4. Bring Creditors up to date and keep them there

  5. Try and secure ongoing NH contract

  6. Sell assets and close unfunded aspects of the business

  7. Provide community updates & information

Regular updates on how we are going are published in the Corryong Courier and on the CNC facebook page



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