Welcome Home
Our Vision:
To build a community that fosters positive, respectful relationships, through learning, growth and inclusion ​​​​​
Our Mission:
To make a difference for people in our community by providing a vibrant hub of lifelong learning that brings people together, connects them with services, programs, employment, activities, and pointing them in the right direction

Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday 10am - 4pm
Fridays & Weekends - Closed

What is the Corryong Neighbourhood Centre (CNC) ?
CNC was created by the joining together of the Corryong Neighbourhood House (CNH) and the Corryong Community Education Centre (CEC), after this was formed all further operations and trading was done through the CNC, a registered trading name for the CNH.
What we provide to assist with building a community fostering positive, respectful, relationships through learning, growth, and inclusion -
Upper Murray Youth Program
Youth employment & Training Opportunities
General Employment + Training
Essential Services within Community
Work Experience
Passport Photos
Groups & Activities
Support for Local Projects
Tech Assistance
Connection to external Services
Office Services
Community Calendar management
Community Development
Disaster Recovery